STEAM Camp Registration August 4-8, 2025 9:30 AM - Noon Registration Deadline: July 1st Please enable JavaScript in your browser to complete this form.Please enable JavaScript in your browser to complete this form.STEAM Summer Camp Registration FormParent/Guardian Name *FirstLast or We food Email *PhoneMobileWorkHomeAre you a Museum Member? *We are Museum MembersWe are not Museum MembersMember Registration FeesCamper - $150.00Additional Camper - $125.00Non-Member Registration FeeCamper - $200.00Additional Camper - $175.00Student Name *FirstLastAge *Grade Level *3rd4th5thT-Shirt Size *SmallMediumLargeX-LargeEach student will receive a camp t-shirt. Please select from the size options. Are there any medical conditions of which we should be aware? Please describe.We provide a small snack each day. Does your student have any food allergies or dietary restrictions?Emergency ContactIn the event of an emergency, every effort will be made to contact the parent/guardian of the student. If the parent/guardian is unreachable, we will contact the below listed person(s).1. Contact Name *FirstLastContact Phone *Relationship to student:2. Contact Name *FirstLastContact PhoneRelationship to student:Liability WaiverI understand that my student(s) will be participating in hand-on activities on and off the water as well as indoors and outdoors. I understand that every precaution will be taken to ensure the safety of my student while participating in these activities. In consideration of the risk of injury while participating in the STEAM Kids Summer Camp, I hereby knowingly and voluntarily enter into this waiver and release of liability and forever discharge the Michigan Maritime Museum, staff, and associated individuals and/or entities of any claim of liability in regards to personal injury that my student may suffer as a direct result of participating in the camp.Consent *I agree to the liability policy.Date *Minor (Child) Photo ReleaseI, the parent or legal guardian of the child and/or children listed on this registration form, grant The Michigan Maritime Museum my permission to use the photographs taken as part of the STEAM Summer Camp for any legal use, including but not limited to: publicity, copyright purposes, illustration, advertising, and web content. Furthermore, I understand that no royalty, fee or other compensation shall become payable to me by reason of such use.Photo Consent *I agreeI do not agreeDate *Registration FeeTotal Registration $0.00Payment Method *I would like to mail a check (If you would like to mail a check (payable to Michigan Maritime Museum), send it to: STEAM Camp Registration, 260 Dyckman Ave. South Haven, MI 49090)Credit card online (We will contact you with a link upon form submission)Pay by phone (To pay by phone call 269-637-8078 ext. 103)Please select a payment option.Submit63858